International agreements and Commitments

  • The UN Framework Convention of Climate Change

    The UNFCC was released in 1992 for countries to sign and fight climate change. There were 154 signatories to stabilize greenhouse gases. This event took place in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    The protocol included all 150 signatories to control the emissions of all 6 main Green House gasses. It included three ways of controlling the emissions.
  • The Special Climate Change Fund

    The Special Climate Change Fund was established in Morroco. The SCCF was established to help fund countries with adaptation and mitigation techniques. The least countries fund was also established to help underdeveloped countries fund and help countries adapt to the changes that were happening in developed countries.
  • The Discussion COP 10

    COP 10 was held to discuss the techniques which should be implemented to fight climate change. they also talked about the issues of adaptation in the least developed countries.
  • UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

    During the end of the summit in 2009 the leaders of some countries agreed to the Copenhaggen Accord. Coppehaggen Accord was about limiting the global temperature to 2 degrees celcius so the planet does not over heat. 100 billion dollard were donated to developing countires to limit green house gas emmisons.
  • COP 19

    The United Nations agreed on helping reduce GHG emissions and deforestation. They also agreed on preserving forests. A little bit of progress was also made to help gaining 100 billion dollars for developing countries to fight the problem by 2020