International agreements.

By Knv
  • World first climate conference

    Brought up increasing CO2 levels
  • IPCC established

    Assessment body of climate change formed by UNEP
  • First IPCC report

    Confirmed climate change to be a reality.
  • UNFCCC introduced

    154 governments signed it to stabilize greenhouse gases.
  • The kyoto protocol

    Legal binding commitment to reduce CO2
  • 4th IPCC report

    Warns about serious effects of global warming
  • China becomes the largest greenhouse gas emitter

  • 5th IPCC report

    Sends out a severe warning about the dangers of global warming
  • Paris Accords

    An agreement dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020.
  • UNFCCC summit

    Controversial due to US president Trump pulling out of paris treaty