Archduke Ferdinand Assassination
The Archduke was assassinated starting the first world war. -
McCArthy Strikes
Jospeh McCarthy announcedduring a speech that he obtained a list of 205 members of the government that were communist, causing a mass hysteria in the United States -
Korean war begins
During the second World WAr Japan gained control and the U.S and the Soviet Union split Korea into two by the 28th parrallel. The war begins when the Norht Crosses that parrallel into the South on this state -
United States support South Korea
Eisenhower elected
President Eisenhower was elected to the presidency. Promising to bring home tropps -
Rosenburgs execution
The Rosengurgs were a couple that were living in the united States but supplied secrets to the Soviets about the Atomic bomb. In later years it was proven that these two were spies. -
Armisitce reached
The united States accepted and armisitce because they were sick of war after just finishing with WWII and they didn't want to waste anymore time without family. Korea needed to calm down. -
Ngo Dinh Diem: Overthrown
Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother were captured on this date and then assassinated by the South Vietnamese ending his governemnet -
Gulf of Tonkin
Vietnamese submarine take fire on a U.S destroyer. Accounts never really clear but this incident really sparked the U.S involvement -
Tet Offensive
This was a large scale offensive created by the United States. Tet was based on the objective search and destroy and marked the very beginning of hatred for the war in the U.S -
My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre was another mark that out another stain on the U.S name. This inicident was the brutal killing and executionos of vietnamese villagers performed by the United States in anger of the Vietnam war. -
Vietnamization was a time when the U.S troops were being removed from Vietnam and the U.S troops were training the southern Vietnamese to be able to support themselves when they left. -
Kent State
The Kent State Massacre was and incident were a group of college students from Kent State protested the Vietnam War and started a riot. Four ened up dead creating mistrust in the governemnt -
26th Ammendment
The 26th ammendmentchanged the voting age from 21 to 18 because the 18 year olds were fighting in the vietnam war abd they should be able to vte for who sends them to war. -
Operation Homeocoming
Operation homecoming was the time when the North VIetnamese released the POWS -
Last U.S Soldies leave Vietnam
This was the time that the last helicopter set foot off of Vietnam soil and was headed back to the U.S bringing out troops home. -
Nixon resigns
After the Watergate scandal all hope in governement eft the sould of AMericans and the only way to begin to stitch the hole Nixon left was for him to resign from office. -
Saigon falls
The capital of South Vietnam was captured and took over creating a communist country. -
UN Resolution
Operation Provide Relief
Wanted to avoid using military in these humanitarian efforts -
Operation Restore Hope
38,000 troops from 23 countries and represetnatives from 49 groups.
-U.S Marine and Navy secure area in Mogadishu -
Aidid gets confident
Aidid starts attacking soldiers -
Battle of Mogadishu
Teh target is Aidid