Interactive Timeline project

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    The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre happened after around 750 tranquil Cheyenne and Arapaho driven by Chief Black Kettle had to relinquish their winter campground close to Fort Lyon in southeastern Colorado. At the point when they set up camp at Sand Creek, volunteer Colorado officers assaulted, dissipating them while butchering 148 men, ladies and kids.
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    Red Cloud's War

    Red Cloud's War started as the U.S. government built up the Bozeman Trail through An indian area to permit diggers and pilgrims admittance to gold in Montana Territory by means of the Powder River.
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    Indian alliance

    For a long time, an Indian alliance driven by Lakota Chief Red Cloud assaulted laborers, pilgrims and troopers to spare their local grounds. Their steadiness took care of when the U.S. Armed force left the territory and marked the Treaty of Fort Laramie.