USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite
1st Mobile Phone
Martin Cooper of Motorola made the very mobile phone -
First Internet Service Provider
(ISP) -
Microsoft is created
Apple is created
USENET forms to host news and discussion groups
First of the news -
First Webcam
The very first webcam -
First virus
Very first virus is born -
CERN introduces the World Wide Web to the public
First audio and video are distributed over the Internet
First videos on internet -
MP3 is developed
The first online dating site, Match.com, launches
Netflix is launched
Google was created
Most popular search engine is created -
Wifi is brought into homes
Wikipedia was formed
Still around today, Wikipedia was formed and is still very popular -
Myspace is born
As many of us know, Myspace, is boring and was a very popular social network platform -
Facebook was created
Facebook, a way people can post and communicate with others, was created -
YouTube was created
YouTube, as many of us use today, was launched -
1st IPhone release
The very first iPhone was released!