Integration within sports

  • Marshall Taylor

    One of the first African Americans to integrate sports. He was a cyclist and won a world championship. He was also nicknamed the "Black Cyclone"
  • Fritz Pollard

    Became the first African American coach in the NFL
  • Jesse Owens

    Won four gold medals during the 1936 Olympics in Germany. This was during World War Two and racial injustice was prevalent throughout the world. By wining four gold medals he proved that black athletes belong in the Olympics and that they could compete at a high level.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Was the First African American to break color barriers in baseball. He was awarded rookie of the year during his first season with the Dodgers. With him breaking the barrier he opened the door or countless African Americas and other races.
  • Althea Gibson

    she is most remembered for breaking the color barrier in professional tennis. Many people say if it wasn't for Althea, tennis would still be considered a high class "white people" sport.
  • Willie O'Ree

    Willie O'Ree made his debut in the National Hockey League. He was with the Boston Bruins for two games. He was the first black hockey player in the NHL, the next black hockey player came 25 years later
  • Charlie Sifford

    was the first to break the color barrier in golf. Starting off as a caddy, working his way up, proving that hard work makes dreams come true
  • Hank Aaron

    Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth's home run record. Aaron was the first African American to hold this record, which is a major deal in the baseball community. He was later surpassed by Barry Bonds who is also African American.
  • Michael Jordan

    Michael Jordan was drafted into the NBA. Many people say he is the greatest basketball player of all time. This is huge considering one of Americas most popular sports, the iconic symbol is a African American.
  • Tiger Woods

    Tiger Woods is a African American golfer who just like Michael Jordan is the icon of his sport. Golf like tennis is considered a "white sport"