
Integrating Home Park

  • Property Upkeep

    Property Upkeep
    Improve the overall appearance and aesthetics of the neighborhood
  • Period: to

    Short Term Goals

  • Landlord Website

    Landlord Website
    Create website that includes list of landlords in the neighborhood, resident reviews, grades, etc.
  • Westside Alliance

    Westside Alliance
    Partner with the Westside Community Alliance, which is already involved in improving the communities in English Avenue and Home Park.
  • Children Programs

    Children Programs
    Provide programs for the children in Home Park, such as tutoring services or attending sporting events.
  • Georgia Tech Sporting Events

    Georgia Tech Sporting Events
    Provide discounted tickets to Georgia Tech sporting events.
  • Period: to

    Mid Term Goals

    Mid Term Goals
  • "Home Park" Beautification Day

    "Home Park" Beautification Day
    Empower students and residents in the Home Park community to pick up trash, plant trees/flowers, and help with the upkeep of homes. Similar to Tech Beautification Day.
  • Restaurants and Businesses

    Restaurants and Businesses
    Talk with local restaurants and businesses to occassionally provide discounts to GT students and Home Park Homeowner's Association.
  • Senior Design Projects

    Senior Design Projects
    Encourage students taking Senior Design to utilize the Home Park area to help solve real world problems and benefit the community.
  • GT AND Home Park

    GT AND Home Park
    Create a mutually beneficial relationship between the Georgia Tech and Home Park communities.
  • Period: to

    Long Term Goals

  • GT Strategic Plan

    GT Strategic Plan
    Create "revitalized Midtown Development Zone"
  • GT Strategic Plan

    GT Strategic Plan
    Create "vibrant live-work-learn-play environment"
  • Housing Options

    Housing Options
    Provide solution to scarcity of housing in the area
  • Home Park Master Plan

    Home Park Master Plan
    Achieving the 7 goals through this partnership