Urine Tests
Scientists develop a test to test sugar in the urine. -
Ration Treatments
French physician, Apollinaire Bouchardat, realized that his diabetic patients' symptoms were improved by rationing, which caused him to develop a date as treatment -
Inducing Diabetes
Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering showed the removal of a dog's pancreas could induce diabetes. -
Controlling Diabetes
Georg Zuelzer found that injecting pancreatic extra into diabetics could help control their diabetes. -
Fad Diets
Fad diets (oat-cure, potato therapy, and starvation diet) were used to treat diabetes. -
The Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Elliott Joslin wrote The Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, which said that fasting diet combined exercise could reduce the risk of death in diabetics. -
Insulin Treatment
Frederick Banting and his colleagues used insulin to successfully treat a diabetic patient, which he won the noble prize for the following year. -
Insulin Production
Insulin began to be produced commercially -
Crystallized Insulin
J.J. Able was the first person to crystallize insulin -
Protamine Zinc
Protamine zinc insulin was introduced as a longer lasting insulin. -
Lente Insulin
Lente insulins were introduced as another longer lasting insulin -
Today's treatment
Insulin is still being used today to treat diabetes