Japanese internment

Inside Japanese Internment from 1941-1945

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Nearly 8 in the morning on December 7, 1941, hundeds on Japanese fighter planes attached an American naval base at Pearl Harbor close by Honolulu Hawaii.
    The day after President Roosevelt delcared to go to war with Japan congress approved with just one vote.
    I an American citizen of no Japanese decent felt angry and terrified worrying if another attack was going to happen at any moment if me and my family were safe.
  • Period: to

    Japanese Internment

    An inside look on a few selected events that went on when Japanese were put in camps.
  • FBI warns against posession of cameras or guns as suspects for 'enemy' aliens

    FBI warns against posession of cameras or guns as suspects for 'enemy' aliens
    FBI threat US Attorney General Biddle, ordered they be turned in on Dec. 27th and Sheriff Sheldrake of Hood River issued one of his famous notices Jan. 2nd in the Hood River News, apparently as a reminder.
    As an Japanese American citizen to be stripped of my right to bare arms im peeved i was not apart of that attack and to be put in a camp on top of this is not my idea of the American way.
  • Roosevelts Excutive Order No. 9066

    Roosevelts Excutive Order No. 9066
    executive order 9066 President Roosevelt, wanted officials at all levels of the government, to authorize the internment of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan.
    President Roosevelt did not trust any decent of Japanese after this attack and wanted every oneof them to be in a camp watched all all times.
    As a Japanese I feel like everything i thought America was is not because they catagorized us all
  • President Roosevelt signed Executive Order No. 9102

    President Roosevelt signed Executive Order No. 9102
    Order 9102 Executive Order 9102 was an order to establish war relocation. Presidnet Roosevelt signed this on March 18 1942.
    President Roosevelts order is to provide for the removal from designated areas.
    My daddy came home tonight to tell my mommy he was being relocated from his area, she started crying so i went over and cmfort her myself and i started to cry, we are scared for daddy.
  • President Roosevelt signed Public Law 503

    President Roosevelt signed Public Law 503
    Public Law 503 President Roosevelt signed Public Law 503 making it an offense to violate orders given by a designated military commander.
    My mommy told me we were going to have to listen to the military cmmander from now on or we would get in trouble.
  • Henry Stimson announced plans to form an all-Japanese American Combat

    Henry Stimson announced plans to form an all-Japanese American Combat
    Henry Stimson
    Secretary of War Henry Stimson announced plans to form an all-Japanese American Combat team to be made up of volunteers from both the mainland and Hawaii.

    Ill go to war and prove im not apart of that Pearl Harbor bombing! if it is what it takes to get my freedom back.
  • 17 years of age for Army recruitment, segregation and relocation

    17 years of age for Army recruitment, segregation and relocation
    17 years old Recruitment Registration (loyalty questionnaire) of all persons over 17 years of age for Army recruitment, segregation and relocation begins at most of the internment camps.
    Being 17 im still young and i wanna grow up more as a kid i dont want to go into the military that isnt fair.
  • D-Day

  • The WRA announced that all internment camps would be closed before the end of 1945

    The WRA announced that all internment camps would be closed before the end of 1945
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
  • All WRA Internment camps are closed except for Tule Lake Center

    All WRA Internment camps are closed except for Tule Lake Center