Sony Walkman
Launched in 1979, the Sony Walkman transformed the way we consume and listen to music. With its compact design, the Walkman was aesthetically pleasing, portable and popular, with over 200 million being sold worldwide. -
The Beginnings of the Mp3 Players Existence
This is when they thought of the mp3 and started to make a prototype. They followed after the Sony Walkman Design and they modified it and tweeked it to the way they wanted it. -
First Mp3
The first mp3 player was invented in 1993. The first mp3 was small and compact. It only allowed you to play certain type of music and that is only what you put in it. -
Mp3 player in the U.S
The Mp3 was introduced to the U.S. in 1996. As soon as the Mp3 hit the U.S they started to sale it and then try to improve it. The U.S made a total of 6.5 Million dollars. IN RANGE. -
Itunes Sales
iTunes has started to sale music out to the public. When iTunes started to sale music for Mp3s it was a huge hit for them allowing them to get more money and expanding their research on music and allowing them to export it around the world. -
FlashDrive Mp3
The U.S has succefully built the flashdrive Mp3.
Yes, as it sounds the FlashDrive Mp3 Player is really a flashdrive. Thats how you listen to your music you download it from your computer and then you put it on your Mp3 and then you listen to it.