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Innovations of paper

By rotb4
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    Papyrus is invented

    Papyrus is invented
    There is no specific date in which papyrus was invented, but it is speculated that it was developed around 2600 BCE. The size of a single sheet of papyrus was not constant in ancient, sometimes even being 45 yards long. Later the papyrus book or codex was developed, and probably made due to the invention of parchment around that time.
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    Invention of parchment

    Invention of parchment
    Around the second century BCE, people in the Mediterranean (or more specifically Pergamum) began using an alternative to papyrus made from leather (treated and rubbed until smooth) which made it capable of being sewn together on one side and bound into codexes or books which made it a serious advancement to efficiciency. It did not become a serious competitor to papyrus until the second century CE.
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    Paper is invented in the Han Dynasty

    Paper is invented in the Han Dynasty
    Paper was invented in the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 CE) by a court official named Cai Lun from bark, hemp, rags, fishnet, wheat stalks and other materials, and since it was relatively light and cheap, it was more suitable for brush writing. The art of writing on paper then spread to Korea and Japan in the beginning of the seventh century, and to other countries in later years.
  • Period: Oct 6, 600 to

    Spread of paper

    SourceThe art of paper-making spread to Arab countries in the 8th century, to Italy and Germany in the 14th century, Russia and Holland in the 16th century, and to Britain in the 17th century.
  • Oct 8, 1100

    picture for timespan

    picture for timespan
  • Current use of paper

    Current use of paper
    Today, paper is used for almost any purpose, from seed packets and wallpaper to lampshades and battery separators.