Inventiom of Steam Engine
created by James Watt in Scottland. The steam engine used steam technology in order to move railroads. This effect American Society becuase it aloowed raliroads to move from place to place so trians can travel in differetn areas. This steam engine is not commonly used today -
invention Steam Boat
John Finch in Delware . Before the invention of the internal combustion engine, steam was used to power ships. The steam boat provided a way of tranportation across differnt bodies of water. This effected American society becyase it importvanted tranposrtation from one place to another along with other goods bein tranported.The steam boats is not used today becuase steem is no longer needed to power an engine. -
Erie Canal
in Albany, New York it connected Lake Erie and the Great Lakes system to the Hudson River, and thereby gave the western states direct access to the Atlantic Ocean without shipping goods downstream on the Mississippi River to New Orleans. It effeted society gretaly in the transport and travel of goods and people. it is still there but it is not used as a canal it is just abody of water and is not need to what resoucres we have today. -
Invention of Massachusetts railroad
Invented by Granite Railway Company in Quicny Massachusetts -
invetnion of Mechanical Reaper
invented by Cyrus Mccormick in Virgina. It was created to gather large groups of crops instead of gathering them by hand. This effected American society because they wwere now able to collect produce much quicker. It is still used in modern time but with much more updated improvements -
invention of steel plow
Invented by John Deere in Grand Detour, Illinois. It was used for farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck to it. The steel plow was the first step of farming equipment that lead up to the more advanced tools we have today. Also Poeple were able to plant much more allowing them to bring in much more produce. The steel plow is still used today. Although it is much more modern and advanced. -
Invention of Telegraph
Invented by Samuel Morse in New Yorl. The telegraph allowed long distance communication.This effected AMerican Soceity also with communication in multiple wars providing a lot fo help. The electric telegraph is a now outdated communication system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location that translated into a message. -
invention of morse code
Invented by Samuel Morse in New York. Morse code allowed for poeple to communicate without speaking by just the sound of tapping . Along the laying of the Transatlantic Cable in 1858, while both the Mexican-American War and the Civil War could have had extremely different ending. Morse Code is still used today not as frequently but it is still known and slightly used. -
Invention of Vulcanized Rubber
Vulcanized Rubber was invented in Springfield Massachusets. Vulcanized rubber impacted American society because it sparked improvment of machines by adding the rubber which helped the machines to keep from over heating or cooling allowing the machines to last much longer. Along with using the rubber for clothing and rubber shoes. Vulcanized rubber is still used today in shoes, but most frequently tires. Every family has at least two cars driven everyday using Vulcanized rubber tires. -
invention of sewing machine
Invented by Isaac Merritt Singer in Pittstown, New York. Then invention of the sewimn machine made an extremly large impavt on American society. It has allowed hand sewing to be put to rest while they are now using a mechanical machine. This tool also has decreased the time that it would take to sew up something. Sewing Machines are still used today in mulitple different factories, homes and buisnesses.