African America Female Writers at the 20th Century

  • Zora Neale

    She was born in Alabama
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    Zora Neale education

    She studied at Morgan College, Howard University, Barnard College, and getting her degree in 1928
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    Zora Neale early writing & Antropological work

    She studied African diaspora religions and began publishing stories.
  • Toni Morrison Birth

    She was born in Lorain, Ohio
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    Zora Neale Teaching

    Zora Neale founded a dramatic arts school at Bethune-Cookman College and taught at North Carolina College.
  • Mules and Men

    Mules and Men
    Publish by Zora Neale
  • Their eyes are watching god

    Published by Zora Neale
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    Alice walker was part of several movements supporting civil and woman rights
  • Alice Walker Birth

    She was born in Eatonton Georgia
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    Zora Neale Later years and recognition

    Zora Neale died in poverty in 1960 and was buried in an unmarked grave. In 1972, Alice Walker found her grave, and her work gained recognition after her dead.
  • Graduation in Spelman college

    Alice Walker graduates and starts developing and writing about Civil Rights
  • The Bluest Eye

    Toni Morrison published this book which explores topic such as rasism
  • The colour purple

    The colour purple
    Alice Walker published this book winning the Pulitzer Prize
  • In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens

    Alice Walker published this collection of essays
  • Winning the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved

    Toni Morrison novel, Beloved, won this prize and became one of the most acclaimed works
  • First black woman winning a nobel in literature

    First black woman winning a nobel in literature
    Toni Morrison is recognized for her powerful storytelling and deep exploration of African American experiences.
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Presidential Medal of Freedom
    President Barack Obama awarded Morrison the highest civilian honor in the U.S., acknowledging her contributions to literature and culture