Information Technology

  • Arithmetic Machine

    Arithmetic Machine
    In 1642, the french mathematician Blaise Pascal made an Arithmetic Machine. He used it to count momey. During the next ten years, Pascal made fifty more machine.
  • Leibnitz Machine

    Leibnitz Machine
    In the 1670s, a German called Leibnitz continued Pascal's work and made a better machine. Leibnitz's machine was called the step reckoner. It could do much more difficult calculations than Pascal's Arithmetic Machine. Interesingly,
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was born in Great Britain on December 26, 1791. Mathematician of profession, dedicated almost quite his life to the development of a mechanism capable of elaborating of automatic form the tables of numbers http://www.neoteo.com/la-maquina-analitica-de-babbage/
  • First Computers

    First Computers
    A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.
  • IBM

    In 1957 IBM made a computer called the 610 auto point.
    They said that it was the first personal computer.
  • Apple Computer Company

    Apple Computer Company
    In 1976 steve wozniak and steve jobs starter the apple computer company.
  • Apple

    In 1977 their secon computer the apple 2 , appeared.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft first big success came in 1981.IMB asked bill gates to write an operating system for their PCs.
  • Macintosh

    It was in 1984 when Apple finally launched the Macintosh 128K , and made it big, announcing the appliance on January 22 , during the third four Super Bowl XVIII . That gave the announcement a huge audience , but more important was the content, which was directed by Ridley Scott. http://computadorasmac.about.com/od/Historia-computadoras-Mac/a/La-Primera-Macintosh.htm
  • Intel

    The Intel Pentium 4 chip, made in the year 2000, had 42 million transistor. Two years later, the first Intel Itanium 2 chip had 220 million, and the Itanium 2 chips havemore than a billion!