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Flu pandemic

Spanish Influenza Timeline

By tlg39
  • First reported influenza case in Salt Lake City

    The first reported cases in Utah. Officials are optimistic they can prevent the spread.
  • Call to stop public funerals

    Call to stop public funerals
    SLC officials call for voluntary stop of attending public funerals. This is a massive attempt to stop the spread of the disease.
  • SLC a closed city

    SLC a closed city
    Slc banned any and all public gatherings. This is a drastic attempt to stop the spread of the disease.
  • Spitting illegal

    Spitting illegal
    Anyone who spits in public will be fined $1. Police may also be involved. This is important because it is ridiculously hard to enforce.
  • Movies suspended

    Movies suspended
    Due to the outbreak, movie executives halted releasing new films. This shows how widespread and serious the disease was.
  • Arrested for dancing

    Arrested for dancing
    Police instructed to arrest people for dancing. Extreme measures to keep people away from each other to spread the disease.
  • No More Department Store Sales

    No More Department Store Sales
    Health official said department stores could no longer advertise sales due to the crowds they attracted. This is important because health officials were banning anything that would bring crowds together.
  • All Schools Closed

    The state issued a quarantine order that closed all schools. The state is trying hard to stop the spread of the disease.
  • 20,000 have flu in Utah

    20,000 have flu in Utah
    20,000 reported cases in 138 cities in Utah. The disease is spreading quickly.
  • All Utahns Required to Wear Mask

    All Utahns Required to Wear Mask
    The state required all Utahns to make a homemade mask and wear it in public. The state is trying to come up with any measure they can to halt the disease.
  • Picture Theaters Open Again

    Picture Theaters Open Again
    Movie theaters feel safe to open again. Fears and number diagnosed must have gone down.
  • Homes to be Placarded

    All home in Utah known to have the flu, must place a placard on the inside. They must have needed a lot of warning
  • Utah County Ban Lifted

    Utah county will lift the influenza quarantine. Diagnosed cases must be going down.
  • Schools Reopen in Utah

    Schools Reopen in Utah
    Schools reopen and add an extra hour to make up for lost time. Parents are anxious for it to begin again and decide to skip New Years break.