People came from around the world to gather here, in search for money. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Economic dependence was restricted to laborers and servents as economic and social power became concentrated. "Bacon and his supporters rose up and plundered the elite’s estates and slaughtered nearby Indians. Bacon’s Declaration challenged the economic and political privileges of the governor’s circle of favorites." -
Robber Baron Political Cartoons
Shows how corporations of the 1800s basically had control of everything. They were these big powerhouse structures that only cared about money, and were affecting tons of people by their greedy decisions. -
Enrollment Act of 1863
The Enrollment Act of 1863 made it so men between the age 20-45 were put into a draft for the war. If your name was picked, you had to go to war to fight for your country. However, you could opt out of the draft if you payed $300. Once again the actions of the country were affected by wealth. -
Illegal During Watergate, Unlimited Campaign Donations Now Fair Game
Unlimited Campagin Donations were effecting the economy because the candidates who recieved the money made decisions to benifit their contributors. For example AMPI (milk) gave Nixon $2 million, then Nixon raised the price on milk to benifit AMPI. Wealth influenced his dicisions and effected the whole American economy. -
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
¨The dictionary defines "corporation" as "a number of persons united in one body for a purpose.´ Corportations used this definition as an exuse to recieve full time rights to spend money as they wish in candidate elections. Since corportations have so much money, the give tons of money to the candidates and in return the candidates return the favor by passing rules that benift the corportations. Once again wealth has influenced the decisions of the people and has effected the whole economy.