Influence of Internet

  • Planking

    Popular fad where people would lay in unusual public places with their arms by their sides.
  • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

    ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    A challenge created by the ALS Association to raise money and awareness of the disease.
  • Harlem Shake

    Harlem Shake
    The Harlem Shake became an online video trend in which people organized a crazy flash mob dance where everyone danced to "The Harlem Shake" by Bauuer.
  • Flappy Bird

    Flappy Bird
    Flappy Bird was an app for iPhone that was a massive hit. It ended up consuming too much time and creating pointless squabbles between its users.
  • Dabbing

    Dabbing was a simple dance, but became a huge trend. People can be seen dabbing today.
  • Harambe

    Harambe was a gorilla who was killed in the Cincinnati Zoo after a child fell into his enclosure. Awareness about zoo captivity was heightened after this event.
  • Water Bottle Flipping

    Water Bottle Flipping
    Flipping water bottles became a large trend after a student released a video of his talent show audition flipping a water bottle.
  • United Airlines

    United Airlines
    United Airlines was the center of attention for a while after forcibly removing a passenger from the plane for refusing to give up his seat.
  • Fidget Spinners

    Fidget Spinners
    Simple toys created for people with attention deficiencies, fidget spinners soon became a large internet joke.
  • Tide Pods

    Tide Pods
    After a Twitter user wondered about the flavor of the laundry detergent known as Tide Pods, they escalated to a point of being dangerous as people attempted to ingest them.