Infant timeline

  • Period: to

    Infant timeline

  • 1 month

    1 month
    -The baby can lift its head and can turn from one side to another when placed on its stomach
  • 2 months

    2 months
    -the baby can make simple noises such as "oh" and "ahh"
  • 3 months

    3 months
    -the baby can hold its head up, it can hold its head steadily when held, can lift its head and chest when laying on stomach, swipes at objects, brings hands together
  • intellectual development

    intellectual development
    -visually alert, can follow things with eyes, and moves head
    -shows eagernes when offered milk
    -Hand play. Loves to look at hands. Presses palms together, and clasps hands
  • social development

    social development
    -Stares at parent or carer when being fed.
    -Reacts happily to familiar situations
    -Enjoys bath and other routine activities
  • emotional development

    emotional development
    -Shows excitement at sounds, which he likes. Running bath water etc.
    -Quietens to sound of familiar voice.
    -Shows distress at loud noises.
  • 4 months old

    4 months old
    -Supports upper body on hands while laying on stomach, shows preference for colors, uses vowels in babbling, grasps rattle, puts hands in mouth, rolls from stomach to back
  • 5 months old

    5 months old
    -rocks on stomach while kicking legs in a swimming motion, reaches out and grabs toys, turns head in direction of sound, and knows psotive speech from unhappy speech.
  • 6 months old

    6 months old
    -Passes a block from one hand to another, puts objects in mouth with hand, may begin creeping, recognizes basic sounds of native language
  • intellectual development

    intellectual development
    -Forgets about toy if hidden.
    -Stares at toys within reach, and grabs toy with both hands. Occasionally uses one.
    -More alert now and eagerly watches people in the room
  • emotional development

    emotional development
    -Manipulates toys very well. Watches them at the same time
    -Loves rattles and will grab for one when offered. Then shakes it deliberately
    -Holds hands up to be lifted.
  • social development

    social development
    -Becomes unfriendly to strangers at about 7 months.
    -Isl friendly with strangers unless startled or familiar adult isn't there.
    -Loves 'Rough and Tumble' play.
  • 7 months old

    7 months old
    -sits up steadily
    -Roll over both ways stands with assistance
    -knows parents and caregivers by sight or voice
    Can follow moving objects with eyes
    -grabs for objects in a raking motion
  • 8 months

    8 months
    -pulls self up to standing
    -Bangs blocks together
    -Propels self by arms, knees or squirming motion
    -Looks at objects with sustained attention
  • 9 months

    9 months
    -uses index finger to poke
    -puts objects in containers
    -leans forward to pick up toy
    -notices small objects
    -May start associating sounds with objects
  • intellectual

    -Recognises names
    -Starts to master pincer grasp
    -Points at books and pictures
  • emotional development

    emotional development
    -Starts to be wilful and have tantrums.
    -Likes to watch surroundings while being carried
    -Interested in everything
    -Very alert on walks.
  • social development

    social development
    -Offers toys to adults, but only drops toy into hand. Cannot place.
    -Recognises family members.
    -Copies facial expressions.
    -Loves peek-a-boo, and may join in.
  • 10 months

    10 months
    -crawls well
    -can put objects into containers
    -uses index fingers to start pointing
    -imitates new word sound more frequentky
  • 11 months old

    11 months old
    Walks while holding onto furniture
    -uses gestures like shaking head for no
    -releases objects intentionally
    -grabs with thumb and fore finger