Infant Development
Born -
1 month to 3 months
1 Month
Motor; twitches whole body when moving, may hold things placed in hand.
Cognative; prefers to looks at patterns.
Social- Emotional; is comforted by human faces.
2 Months
Motor; can hold up head for several minutes, grasp objects in reflex motion.
Cognative; shows interest in sound and may stop sucking to listen.
Social- Emotional; is able to express emotions.
3 Months
Motor; moves arms and legs together, sits briefly supported.
Cognative; laughs out loud.
Social- Emotional; shows feeling -
4 Months
Motor; on tummy can lift head, looks from objects to hand and back to the object.
Cognative; smiles when the caregiver talks to him or her.
Social- Emotional; expresses delight. -
5 months to 6 months
5 months
Motor; rolls from tummy to back, helps with being pulled up to a sitting position.
Cognative; grabs objects with either hand.
Social- Emotional; shows fearful behavior.
6 Months
Motor; holds things with both hands, able to stand being supported.
Cognative; grabs at anything in their reach.
Social- Emotional; enjoys playing with children. -
7 months
Motor; keeps object in hand at all times, crawls awkwardly.
Cognative; Anticipates events.
Social Emotional; shows desire for social contents. -
8 months
Motor; sits alone for a long pweriod of time, able to pick up objects alone.
Cognative; Finds objects that are totally hidden.
Soccial Emotional; exhibets fear of strangers. -
9 months
Motor; sits alone, uses index finger to point.
Cognative; likes to look for contents.
Social Emotional; exhibits fear of stranger. -
10 months
Motor; climbs on chairs, can release grasped objects.
Cognative; points to body parts.
Social Emotional; cries less often -
11 months
Motor; stands alone, takes socks off.
Cognative; waves goodbye.
Social Emotional; likes to tell no -
12 months
Motor; climbs up on chairs, takes clothing off,
Cognative; finds familiar faces.
Social Emotional; may resist napping.