Cognitive Development
Laughs out loud. -
Physical Skill
Lifts head briefly from the surface in order to turn head from side to side when lying on tummy. -
Physical Skill
Can turn head when lying on back. -
Cognitive Development
Is able to suck and look at the same time, thus doing two controlled actions at once. -
Social Skills
Is comforted by the human face. -
Social Skills
Looks at a person alertly and directly. Prefers to look at people over objects. -
Emotional Development
Whimpers when hungry, chortles when content. -
Emotional Development
Is able to show distress, excitement, contentment, anger, and delight. -
Period: to
1-3 Months
Emotional Development
Shows increased pleasure in social interactions. -
Physical Skill
Can maintain a sitting position for several minutes if given proper support. -
Cognitive Development
Explores toys by grasping, sucking, shaking, and banging. -
Physical Skill
On tummy, may roll from side to side and front to back. -
Cognitive Development
Likes to repeat enjoyable acts like shaking a rattle. -
Social Skills
Shows increased pleasure in social interactions. -
Social Skills
Enjoys social aspects of feeding time. -
Emotional Development
Laughs when tickled. -
Period: to
4 months
Physical Skill
Reaches for an object such as an activity gym with good coordination and aim. -
Emotional Development
Responds to affection and may imitate signs of affection. -
Physical Skill
Sits in a tripod position using arms for support. -
Cognitive Development
Smiles at self in mirror. -
Social Skills
Enjoys playing with children. -
Social Skills
Laughs when socializing. -
Cognitive Development
Varies volume, pitch, and rate while babbling. -
Emotional Development
Likes attention and may cry to get it. -
Period: to
5-6 months
Cognitive Development
Enjoys looking through books with familiar pictures. -
Cognitive Development
Likes to empty and fill containers. -
Social Skills
Thoroughly enjoys company of siblings. -
Social Skills
Enjoys playing with own image in a mirror. -
Emotional Development
Expresses anger more dramatically. -
Emotional Development
May anticipate being left and become disturbed. -
Physical Skill
Sits alone steadily for longer periods of time. -
Physical Skill
Creeps. -
Period: to
7-8 Months
Physical Skill
Crawls; may try to crawl up stairs. -
Physical Skill
May be able to move along furniture, touching it for support. -
Cognitive Development
Finds objects that are totally hidden. -
Social Skills
Likes to play games like pat-a-cake. -
Social Skills
Shows interest in play activities of others. -
Emotional Development
May show a fear of new sounds. -
Cognitive Development
Responds appropriately to a few specific words. -
Emotional Development
May show fear of heights; may be afraid to crawl down from chair. -
Period: to
9 months
Physical Skill
Likes to walk holding caregiver's hands. -
Physical Skill
Climbs on chairs and other furniture. -
Cognitive Development
Puts nesting toys together. -
Cognitive Development
Likes to look at pictures in a book. -
Emotional Development
Expressed delight, happiness, sadness, discomfort, and anger. -
Social Skills
Is more aware of and sensitive to other children. -
Emotional Development
Cries less often. -
Social Skills
May be able to show symbolic thought by giving love to a stuffed toy or mimic behaviors of others. -
Period: to
10 Months
Physical Skill
Stands alone. -
Cognitive Development
Waves good-bye. -
Emotional Development
May not always want to be cooperative. -
Emotional Development
Tests caregivers to determine limits. -
Social Skills
Imitates movements of other adults and children. -
Social Skills
Recognizes to difference between being good and being naughty. -
Cognitive Development
Speaks first recognizable word. -
Physical Skill
May carry spoon to mouth in feeding attempt. -
Period: to
11 Months
Physical Skill
Walks holding on to furniture. -
Cognitive Development
Begins to find familiar objects that are not in view but have permanent locations (looks for cookies after being told he or she can have one). -
Cognitive Development
Links specific acts or events to other events. -
Emotional Development
Shows increased negativism. May have tantrums. -
Emotional Development
Begins to develop self-identity and independence. -
Social Skills
Enjoys playing with siblings. -
Social Skills
Likes to practice communication with adults. -
Physical Skill
Climbs up and down stairs. -
Period: to
12 Months