
infant development

  • 1-3months

    Fine- may hold object if placed in hand, but drops it quickly.
    Gross- moves reflexively.
    Emotional- is comforted by the human face.
    Cognitive/intellectual- prefers to look at human faces and patterned objects.
    Social- makes eye contact.
  • Emotional

    Emotional- is comforted by the human face
  • 4 months

    4 months
    Fine- looks from object to hands to object.
    Gross- swipes at objects, gradually improving aim.
    Emotional- expresses delight.
    Cognitive/intellectual- likes to repeat enjoyable acts like shaking a rattle.
    Social- laughs when tickled
  • Social

    Social- laughs when tickled
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Fine- learns to drop an object at will.
    Gross- sits in a tripod position using arms for support.
    Emotional- may begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt.
    Cognitive/intellectual- can recognize people by their voices.
    Social- enjoys playing with children
  • Gross

    Gross- sits in a tripod position using arms for support
  • 7-8 months

    7-8 months
    Fine- fingers, manipulates, and rattles objects repeatedly.
    Gross- crawls.
    Emotional- begins to have a sense of humor.
    Cognitive/intellectual- enjoys looking through books with familiar pictures.
    Social- definitely prefers caregiver to stranger.
  • Cognitive/intellectual

    • enjoys looking through books with familiar pictures.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    Fine- sits alone.
    Gross- may try to crawl up stairs.
    Emotional- may show a fear of a new sound.
    Cognitive/intellectual- responds appropriately to a few specific words.
    Social- performs for others, repeats act if applauded
  • fine

    he/she sits alone
  • 10 months

    10 months
    Fine- likes to walk holding caregiver’s hand.
    Gross- stands with little support.
    Emotional- cries lest often.
    Cognitive/intellectual- speaks first recognizable.
    Social- likes to play games like pat-a-cake .
  • social

    Social- likes to play games like pat-a-cake .
  • 11 months

    11 months
    Fine- is able to stand and pick up objects.
    Gross- takes off shoes and socks.
    Emotional- objects to having his or her enjoyable play stopped.
    Cognitive/intellectual- can point to body parts.
    Social- recognizes the difference between being good and being naughty
  • Cognitive/intellectual

    • can point to body parts
  • 12 months

    Fine- may show preference for one hand.
    Gross- climb up and down stairs.
    Emotional- enjoys playing with siblings.
    Cognitive/intellectual- waves good-bye.
    Social- likes to practice communication with adults.
  • Emotional

    • enjoys playing with siblings.