Chinese invention

By sdyitt
  • 2700 BCE


    Have been drinking tea since atleat 2700 BC. Used mostly for medicine. A hugely popular beverage by the 8th centry C.E. The tea plants are grown in china and now are sold to other conrys
  • 200 BCE


    made form cast iron . They were the first to make it by melting and molding iron ore. blowing air into the molten made steel. its important from industys
  • 100

    Disease pervention

    Disease pervention
    The chinese made great strides in medicine and disease prevention. They discovered how to stop the spread of disease by using disinfectants and steam.Inoculation were used to protect individuals from catching smallpox.
  • 150


    An important invention used to record and share information that for 500 years china only knew how to make it.
  • 850

    Military technology- development of gunpowder

    Military technology- development of gunpowder
    The chinese was the first to make gunpowder. They made the first weapon (flamethrower) using it . used foe weapons .
  • 1092

    Everyday objests- Development of Mechanical clock

    Everyday objests- Development of Mechanical clock
    Made in the 8th century. More accurate than earlier timekeeping devices. Dripping water made the wheel turn. people can tell what time it is by sounds .
  • 1107

    Everyday objests- Paper Money

    Everyday objests- Paper Money
    Invented in the late 8th and the early 9th century. Printers used woodblock printing to make cards from thick paper.
  • 1300

    Milltary technology- rocket technology

    Milltary technology-  rocket technology
    First used for fireworks now used weapons. First stage propelled the rocket though air . The second stage dropped arrows down on the enemy.By 1300 rockets had spread though much aisa and europe.
  • 1300

    Everyday objests- game cards

    Everyday objests- game cards
    invented in about the 9th centry. Famous people drew the designs that our on the back of the card. Played thoughout the world. Printers used woodblock printing to make cards from thick paper.