Industries Of Colorado

By jseen1
  • Mining

    Goods and services provided were gold, silver, coal, and mining towns. The impact was an increase in population. The reason to come to colorado was to mine gold, silver, and coal
  • Bevereges

    The goods and services provided were beer. The impact was more people wanting beer. The reason to come to Colorado was to try the awesome beer. The resources needed were bottles, glass, and beer
  • Tourism

    The goods and services provided were skiing, snowboarding, the Rockies, the Eagles, the Broncos, the Avalanche, sledding, and snowmobiling. The impact was good entertainment. The reason to come to Colorado was to find good entertainment. The recourses needed were a place to play and gear.
  • Colleges

    The goods and services provided are education for students. The impact is more educated people. The reason to come to Colorado is to go to some top rated agriculture schools. The resources needed are people and money.
  • Bioscience

    The goods and services provided are information about diseases and cures for people. The impact was finding cures for diseases and scientific research. The reason to come to Colorado is to go to at a government research center, university, or a private company. The recourses needed are tech., hazmat suits, people, and money.
  • Aerospace

    The goods and services provided were satellite & space equipment. The impact was the increase of knowledge with technology and space equipment. The reason to come to Colorado is to learn/produce space equipment. The resources needed were people, computers/computer chips, metal, and plastic
  • Energy

    The goods and services provided were solar power, wind power, and water power. The impact is environmentally friendly energy. The reason to come to Colorado is Colorado has lots of sun, wind, and water. The resources needed are wind, water, and sun.
  • Lacrosse

    The goods and services provided were the Outlaws, Mammoth, and lots of recreational teams. The impact was good entertainment to watch. The reason to come to Colorado is to play/watch lacrosse
  • Manufacturing/Hewlett Packard & IBM

    Manufacturing/Hewlett Packard & IBM
    The goods and services provided by Hewlett Packard were computers and other technology. The impact was a difference in the economy, and the reason to come to Colorado was to find a job. The resources needed were people, buildings, and products to sell.
  • otterbox

    The goods and services provided were waterproof boxes/cases for almost everything. The impact was there was less damage to things. The reason to come to Colorado was to have less damaged stuff. The resources needed were plastic, and metal