
Industrias Haceb

  • Purchase of workshop

    José María Acevedo at the age of twenty one years, buy a workshop of electrical repairs in Medellin for ninety pesos. Why then, World War II generated difficulties in the supply of products of steel and other materials used by the military industry.
  • Home of kitchenettes

    Home of kitchenettes
    began production with the manufacturing of kitchenettes.
  • extension of product line

    expanded the product line with electric cooktops.
  • heaters

    created the line of heaters.
  • Home of porcelanizadas refrigerators

    Its success was so great that it took in Nineteen Eighty-four, to the construction of the refrigeration plant as a specialized system dedicated to the manufacture of this appliance.
  • built-in electric

    built-in electric
    This consists of covers, ovens and kitchen hoods.
  • seal of quality

    seal of quality
    obtained the seal of quality Icontec for domestic refrigerators.
  • the market launch of gas line

    Launched to the market the gas line formed by covered recessed gas gas kitchenettes and mixed.
  • ovens

    launch of stoves and built-in gas ovens
  • Areas of Colombia to strengthen the company

    Cali, Bogota and Eje Cafetero, branches were established to strengthen the presence of the company in these areas of Colombia.
  • Seal ISO

    Refrigeration plant achieved the certification ISO 9,000 one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four version (9001) (1994).
  • cooling line

    cooling line
    Industries Haceb presented line of commercial refrigeration: freezers, coolers and beverage dispensers. In addition, it expanded its offerings of gas or domestic addressing the massification of the use of gas in Colombia.
  • Organizational model

    Organizational model
    The company launched a new organizational model that allowed him to give a more commercial orientation to the business and expand its product portfolio.
  • Organizational structure

    The company adopted a new organizational structure of concentric type model, where the versatility between different areas, strengthening the entrepreneurial culture and corporate consolidation, were the key to organizational growth.
  • Unemployment rate

    Unemployment rate
    A world-class economic recession and an increase in the unemployment rate, made a difficult period for the Colombian industry this year. Arose a strong decline in demand for products in the national and international level.
  • Transfer to copacabana

    Transfer to copacabana
    Consolidated the transfer of some areas located in Guayabal towards the modern heating North, located in Copacabana (Antioquia), equipped with new machinery, equipment and systems.
  • Technology products

    Technology products
    It acquired technology that allowed it to optimize its production and expansion; and improved its product portfolio. In that year, to achieve its national consolidation, it acquired the brand Icasa.
  • Seal ISO

    Industries Haceb obtained certification ISO nine thousand (9001) - two thousand unified for its cooling and heating processes.
  • ISO Fourteen thousand one (14001)

    ISO Fourteen thousand one (14001)
    Achieved ISO 14001 environmental management certification, being the first company in the country to obtain it under version two thousand and four. Haceb of Ecuador was constituted with the aim of increasing the positioning of the company abroad.
  • Changes and industrialization in the company haceb

    The company strengthened its position in international markets. They signed contracts with major multinational companies of the sector, which prompted the company to conform to world standards. Additionally, it constituted Haceb of Venezuela and Mexico Haceb. The technological conversion had a special importance this year, which sought to acquire new equipment and modernize some production processes. For the domestic market is put into operation two new halls of exhibition Haceb, where the entir
  • New plant of refrigerators

    at the end of this year should be ready the new plant of refrigerators (with a capacity that reach three thousand units per day in the short term), which occupies an area of eighteen thousand square meters and whose construction, packaging and Assembly of machinery are reversed, crisis, twenty million dollars, i.e. about forty billion pesos