
  • Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine.

    Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine.
  • James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny allowed workers to make the cloth more fast which increased productivity.
  • Spinning Mule invented.

    Spinning Mule invented.
    Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule. The spinning mule combines the process of spinning and weaving into a single machine.
  • Industrial Revolution brought to Belgium by William and John Cockerill

    William and John Cockerill develop machine shops in Belgium.
  • Destruction of industrial machines is punishable by death.

    Parliament passed a law that made destruction of the industrial machines punishable by death because of the riots.
  • Passenger railway

    Passenger railway
    Passengers were carried on a public line in passenger railway.
  • The factory act is passed

    Children under the age of 9 are protected from working in the textile industry and Children older than 13 could not work more than 60 hours a week.
  • Miner law

    Miner law
    Children under the age of 10 and women were not allowed to work underground because of the law.
  • Factory Act extended

    The Factory Act was extended to all workplaces that have more than 50 workers.
  • Industry of Great Britain reached its peak

    The textile industry produced around 8 billion yards of cloth.