Jethro Tull Invents the Seed Drill
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which allowed farmers to increase crop output by not wasting seeds. The seed drill made individual holes in the ground, and put the right amount of seeds into each one. -
John Kay Invents the Flying Shuttle
John Kay invented the flying shuttle, which allowed people to spin cloth much faster. The shuttle was propelled through the loom by a system of springs, and moved so fast that it was not visible. These could be very dangerous if they malfunctioned. -
James Watt Builds the First Steam Engine
James Watt invented the revolutionary steam engine, which was powered by coal, and used steam to operate a piston. The steam engine was used on many vehicles, including Robert Fulton's steam ship. -
Marx and Engels Publish The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto, which introduced the ideas of communism. Communism was built on the idea of equality, and it supposedly eliminated the upper and lower classes. As we have seen in many examples, communism does not work because of human nature. -
US Civil War Ends, and the US Experiences a Technological Boom
After the Civil War, the US experienced a technological boom, and many things were invented, including the telephone. -
Germany Becomes Dominant Industrial Power in Europe
Germany discovered large iron ore and coal deposits in places such as the Ruhr Valley. The Germans also built many railroads to link major cities. -
British Unions Win the Right to Strike
British workers formed unions which worked toward a common goal of raising wages and improving working conditions for factory workers and other lower class people. They won the right to strike in 1875, so that they could demand higher wages by not working