Jethro Tull Invents Seed Drill
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill that revolutionized farming. By planting the seeds in orderly columns instead of spraying them around, farmers could plant more crops and farming was more efficient. -
John Kay Invents Flying Shuttle
John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle that spead up weaving cloth. It was a piece of wood people wrapped yard around the it was flung back and forth under a weaver and it wrapped yarn around the string and replaced the previous method of wrapping it around by hand. -
James Watt builds the first steam engine
James Watt made the first ever steam engine which changed the world. Steam engines made factories not reliant on Water power and eventually the engines were put on steam engines. Steam engines were very powerful and much more efficient than water. -
Marx and Engels publish Communist Manifesto
They wrote the Communist Manifesto which explained communism to people and glorified it. As good as it sounded, it corrupted states because it was not a realistic society. It described everyone was equal and wealth was distributed by the government and everyone got the same amount. All property was public. -
US Civil War ends
The united States was held back by industrialization because of the civil war. However, once the Civil War ended, the United States was forced to use their own resources. The US has and abundant amount of resources so they eventually took advantage and had many inventions and a boom of industrialization. -
Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe
Germany and all the European nations were behind industrialization because of the Napoleonic wars. However, after Napoleon is dethrowned, Germany takes over. Germany was very rich in Natural resources. They had lots of coal and large rivers to power factories. They were the ideal place for industrialization. -
British Unions win right to strike
The workers of Britain formed Unions or groups of workers. The British was in fear of an uprising so they banned Unions. The workers still gathered in Unions. Later, however, they realized the hardships of these workers and as the numbers of Unions reached 1,000,000, the Brisish government believed they had a right to form and granted them this right.