Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900)

By chmill
  • Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in England

    Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in England
    Due to an surplus in agriclutral increasing britain total population created a need for more work. Due to recent technological advancements such as coal powered steam engines lead to the creation af factories and maked the start of the industrial revolution in Briatain
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    time when thirteen american colonies broke away from britin rule because of colonists didn't have a say in there taxes and is marked in history as the first colony to be able to succesfully break away from a major Europian power
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    most of the power in france was held by the first and second estates which made up 3% of frances total population and the third estate which was basically everyone else had no power. THis lead to a revolution by the third estate to overthrow the current government in order to create a democracy
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    When slaves in hati revoluted against the french and gained there independence. Most successful slave revolt in history and first modernation to be governed by people from or native of africa.
  • Publication of the Communist Manifesto

    Publication of the Communist Manifesto
    political and social
    documents written by Karl Marx that talked about an interpretation of history from an ecommic etandpiont, class struggle, Surplus value in captilist society's, the inevitability of communism, and the ultimate communist society
  • Matthew Perry’s expedition in Tokyo

    Matthew Perry’s expedition in Tokyo
    Commodore Matthew Perry arrived with US naval squadron in Tokyo Bay ,trained his guns on bakufu capital of Edo and demanded that the shogun open Japan to diplomatic and commercial relations and sign a treaty of friendship, which later lead to the Meji Restoration
  • Meiji Restoration (Japan)

    Meiji Restoration (Japan)
    end of military governments that had ruled Japan since 1185, centralized political power, and can be seen as the start of Japan Indusrtrial Revolution
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

    Opening of the Suez Canal
    A man-made waterway in Egypt that allowed ships from Europe or ships form other asian countries like india to be able to trvel to and from each other faster rather than sailing around all of africa which allowed European powers to make use of its Asian Colonies in a more effecient way
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Basicaly set the ground rules for the "Scramble for Africa" which was when European powers colonized differnet parts of Africa in order gain raw materials and other valuble resources '
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    War between Spain and United States over Cuba which was a colony of spain and which then led to Cuba independence.
    Yellow journalsim, which was a type of propaganda, was used to anger the american public against the spanish and the Mysterious sinking of the U.S. ship the Maine sparked the american public to pressure the government in to giong to war with spain.