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Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    The first practical steam engine is invented by Thomas Newcomen. Steam would become an important source of power for the Industrial Revolution.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny allowing a worker to produce multiple spools of thread at the same time.
  • Spinning Mule

    The spinning mule is invented by Samuel Crompton.
  • Bringing Industrial Revolution to America

    The Industrial Revolution spreads to the United States when Samuel Slater opens the first textile mill in Rhode Island.
  • The Clermont

    Robert Fulton starts the first successful steamboat operation with his boat the Clermont.
  • Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal is completed opening a water route from the Great Lakes to New York City and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    The mechanical reaper is invented by Cyrus McCormick.
  • Steel Plow

    A blacksmith named John Deere invents the steel plow.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph is invented by Samuel Morse. This changes the way people can communicate from long distances.
  • Sewing Machine

    The sewing machine is invented by Elias Howe.
  • Safety Brake for Elevators

    Elisha Otis invents a safety brake for elevators making them practical and safe for the first time. This allows for tall buildings and skyscrapers to be built.
  • Bessemer Process

    The Bessemer Process for making steel is invented by Henry Bessemer. This allowed for the mass production of inexpensive steel.
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    Around this time the Second Industrial Revolution begins. This phase of the Industrial Revolution is characterized by the rapid expansion of new technologies such as the telephone, railroads, and electrical power.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
  • Model T Ford

    Henry Ford begins production on the Model T Ford. He uses the assembly line to build the first affordable automobile.