Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Crop Rotation - Charles Townshend

    Crop rotation is the rotation of growing different crops in the same area across a number of seasons.
  • Mass Production - Josiah Wedgwood

    A larger quantity of items was able to be made in factories
  • Steam Engine - James Watt

    The Steam Engine is a heat engine that uses steam as its working fluid.
  • Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves

    The spinning Jenny was a machine and is able to produce multiple threads at once instead of one at a time.
  • Factories - Richard Akwright

    An English inventor and leading entrepreneur from the 18th Century. After his first invention of the water frame, he established the first factory of many in Derbyshire, England. Factories created many jobs and opportunities for other inventions to be used and held in.
  • Canals - James Brindley

    Invented by James Brindley, Canals were waterway channels built to service water transport viechels.
  • Invested Money in Watt's Engine - Boulton

    Matthew Boulton was a British manufacturer and business partner of the Scottish engineer James Watt. He invested in the steam engine leading to it being a success.
  • Trains - Matthew Boulton

    Matthew Boulton was a British manufacturer and business partner of the Scottish engineer James Watt. He invested in the steam engine leading to it being a success.
  • Beginning of Electricity - Michael Faraday

    He contributed to the final invention of electricity through the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. The electricity created power which was used in multiple other inventions.
  • Engineering - Isambard Kingdom Brunel

    An English Civil engineer who is considered “one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history". He played a key role in Britain's industrial revolution by assisting in the design and construction of railways, docks, bridges, tunnels and more.
  • 10 Hours Act - Lord Shaftesbury

    Lord Shaftesbury, or Anthony Ashley-Cooper, was a British politician, philanthropist and social reformer. He was known for helping to improve the working conditions and hours of people in the textile industry.
  • Stories - Charles Dickens

    Was an english writer and social critic that created some of the world’s best known fictional characters. Some of his well known novels are A christmas carol and A tale of two cities and great expectations. He is often thought of inventing winter festivities from his stories.
  • Chartist - Elizabeth Newsome

    She was a British development psychologist. She was recognised for her work with children with autism in the early 1900’s. In 1980 she proposed the condition of Pathological demand avoidance.
  • Transportation for entertainment - Thomas Cook

    Thomas Cook was an English businessman who created the concept of using transportation services for activities like day trips and holidays. He was the founder of Thomas Cook and son, a worldwide travel agency. This created entertainment out of the local area.
  • Selective Breeding - Robert Bakewell

    He created Selective breeding which produced higher quality items.
  • Cricket - WG Grace

    WG Grace discovered the sport Cricket that could be played in the summer time.
  • Sewerage - Joseph Balazgette

    He was a 19th-century English civil engineer. He invented the idea of sewerage pipes/ tunnels being used to hold sewerage under the ground to be disposed of. He created the first London sewer network which is still used today. It prevented rubbish and waste from staying above ground and potentially harming the environment and people.
  • Germ Theory - Louis Pasteur

    Pasteur created discovered the Germ Theory when he proved bacteria caused diseases.
  • Footy - Fatty Foulkes

    Fatty Foulked discovered the sport football that could be played in the winter time