Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • John Kay and his Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle was one of the key developments in the industrialization of weaving during the early Industrial Revolution.This Flying Shuttle is now a needle.
  • James Hargreaves and his Spinning Jenny

    The spinning jenny is a multi-spindle spinning frame, and was one of the key developments in the industrialization of weaving during the early Industrial Revolution.
  • Richard Arkwright and his Water Frame and Spinning Frame

    A water frame is a water-powered spinning frame which was an easy way to create cotton thread.
    The spinning frame is an Industrial Revolution invention for spinning thread or yarn from fibres such as wool or cotton in a mechanized way.
  • Samuel Compton and his Spinning mule

    Samuel Compton invented the spinning mule in 1779, so called because it is a hybrid of Arkwright's water frame and James Hargreaves' spinning jenny in the same way that mule is the product of crossbreeding a female horse with a male donkey (a female donkey is called a jenny).
  • James Watt and his Steam Engine

    Steam Engine was the first type of steam engine to make use of a separate condenser. This steam Engine is same from today.
  • Richard Trevithick and his Steam Locomotive

    A steam locomotive is a type of railway locomotive that produces its pulling power through a steam engine. Its same in today's date.
  • Robert Fulton and his Steamboat

    Fulton and Livingston together built the first commercial steamboat, the "North River Steamboat" (later known as the "Clermont"), which carried passengers between New York City and upstream to the state capital Albany, New York. In today's date is now a war ship and a boat.
  • Louis Pasteur and his Pasteurization

    Pasteurization, which was originally used to prevent wine and beer from souring. If that wasn't enough, he also came up with a rabies vaccine.
  • George Stephenson and his Rockets

    Stephenson's Rocket was an early steam locomotive of 0-2-2 wheel arrangement. Same as today
  • Henry Bessemer and his manufacturing steel inexpensively

    The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron before the development of the open hearth furnace. Its same but they change the other part of this steel manufacture.
  • Thomas Edison and his Phonograph.

    While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone, Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cylinders.This Phonograph is now a CD recorder. This Phonograph is an Apple iPhone and android now.
  • Nikola Tesla and his alternating current (AC) motor.

    alternating current systems gained further viability with introduction of a functional AC motor, something these systems had lacked up till then.