Industrial Revolution Timeline Sofia Tello and Carolina Andrade

  • Smelting of iron

    In 1709 Darby was the first person smelt iron with coke. Smelting is a form if extracting iron by using heat.
  • First bridge made of cast iron

    Iron Bridge is a bridge that crosses the River Severn in Shropshire, England. It was the first ever made out of cast iron.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe

    Mainland Europe wanted to be close to coal fields and have a connection to a port. When railroads were established, some manufactories moved to or expanded to larger urban areas.
  • First crossing of the Atlantic by a steam-powered vessel

    The SS Savannah was the first steamboat to cross the Atlantic ocean. It traveled from Liverpool, England to Long Island, New York.
  • Connection of Manchester to the rail network

    First modern railroad, it was a public carrier of both passenger and freight.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to East Asia

    Japan was one of the leading Industrial countries and depended on raw materials hence colonizing many surrounding territories that brought these materials to them.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to North America

    Began in New England. England wanted to produce more raw materials so they benefited from overseas companies where coal was the main fuel.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to Russia/Ukraine

    Peter the Great encouraged western Europe artisans with skills and specializations to migrate to the region, and he imported high-quality products and machines. St Petersburg soon attracted many important industries.
  • Emergence of Fordist production

    Ford assembly line machines replaced craftsmen with unskilled workers. Ford's goal was to mass produce goods at a cheap price, he imported many raw materials and furniture manufacturing began to grow.