Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Thomas Newcomen invented the first productive steam engine
  • Silk Factory

    John Lombe starts off his silk factory
  • Flying Shuttle

    James Kay invented the Flying Shuttle, a simple weaving machine
  • Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny, which allowed one worker to spin eight spindles
  • Revision of Steam Engine

    James Watt patented his revision of the steam engine, featuring a separate condenser
  • Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, which hooked up spinning machines to a water wheel
  • Spinning Mule

    Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule which combined spinning and weaving into one machine
  • Improvement of Steam Engine

    Watt adapts his steam engine from a reciprocal to a rotory motion
  • Power Loom

    Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom, which, after 1800 was powered by new steam engines. Replaced the flying shuttle