Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Changes in cotton manufacturing starts Revolution

    Changes in cotton manufacturing starts Revolution
    In 1764, James Hargreavs invented the spinning jenny, a machine that could quickly weave cotton. Clothing was the first thing that could be mass produced, and started the Industrial revolution. Image from:
  • First Factory Opens

    First Factory Opens
    The first modern facory opened in England in 1772. This was followed my many other factories, that boosted production and created jobs. They were used to make many diffrent things, from clothes to engines and many more things. Image from
  • Coal and Iorn industries begin

    Coal and Iorn industries begin
    In the 1780s, Great Britian started mining coal and Iorn. They were both abundent and very useful. Coal was used to puwer steam engines, and Iorn was used to build stronger machines. This greatly helped the revolution move foreward. Image from:
  • Steam Engine Invented

    Steam Engine Invented
    James Watt builds the first steam engine that can power machinery. It is powered by coal that heats up water into steam. It leads to the later invention of trains. It is also used in factories. Image from
  • Steamboats invented

    Steamboats invented
    In 1807, steambots were invented by Robert fulton. This greatly increased the amount of goods that could be transported over a river. They were primarily used in the United States, and mostly in the south around the mississippi river. Image from
  • The rise of Socialism

    In the 1820s, the bad working conditions in the factories gave rise to socialism. Socialism is a form of government where the population owns and controls the ways of production, such as factories. It was made by people who believed in the equality of all men.
  • American Railroad Begins

    American Railroad Begins
    In 1830, Americans began building their massive railroad that had over 100,000 mils of track. This railroad made the population of the U.S. grow rapidly, and also enabled the country quickly go foreward in technology. Image from:
  • Creation of the middle class and factory act

    Creation of the middle class and factory act
    The increaseof the number of factories created strong middle classes in industrial countries. Many people worked in factories, including children, which caused the factory act of 1833 to limit the amount of time chilren could work. Image from:
  • Steamships begin to cross the Atlantic

    Steamships begin to cross the Atlantic
    In 1840, the first stemship crossed the Atlantic ocean. This opened up oppertunities for trade between the Americans and Europe, which increased income for both countries. Image from
  • European Railroad Begins

    European Railroad Begins
    In 1850, Europeans were building a network of railroade scross Europe. This went through countries such as Germany, France, and Belgium. This caused an inrease of income because it became easier to move goods. However, it never became as large as America's. Imase from