industrial revolution tic tac toe project

  • First Central Bank established in England

    First Central Bank established in England
    Willam Paterson noticed that there was no real system for finances and so everything was disarrayed. so he came up witht he bank.
  • Thomas Newcomen invented the first productive steam engine.

    Thomas Newcomen invented the first productive steam engine.
    the purpose of the engine was for power. with this, they were able to power up trains, ships, factors, and cars.
  • James Kay invented the Flying Shuttle, a simple weaving machine.

    James Kay invented the Flying Shuttle, a simple weaving machine.
    was importants because it did aitomatic weaving so you didnt have to do it by hanfd.
  • Professor William Cullen designs a small refrigerator machine at the University of Glasgow.

     Professor William Cullen designs a small refrigerator machine at the University of Glasgow.
    the refrigerater was ovioully an important invention to keep food good and cold.
  • Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule, which combines spinning and weaving into one machine.

     Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule, which combines spinning and weaving into one machine.
    it was used to process cotton into yarn.
  • Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom, which replaces the flying shuttle.

    Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom, which replaces the flying shuttle.
    it conbined thread to make cloth
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
    was created to sepperate cotoon from its seeds.
  • George Stephenson patents a steam engine locomotive that runs on rails.

     George Stephenson patents a steam engine locomotive that runs on rails.
    it was to heavy for roads is why it was invented.