Industrial Revolution Iventors and Inventions

  • Jethro Tull invented the Seed Drill

    The seed drill was a new mechanical device to aid farms, it precisely positioned seeds in the soil and then covered them. Before the seed drill was created people usally planted seeds by hand which was wasteful and imprecise and it led to a poor distribution of seeds, leading to low productivity.
  • Abraham Darby invented the process of Smelting

    Smelting was a process created to remove the iron from the ore allowing them to get rid of all the impurities and imperfections making the iron stronger and more durable.
  • Thomas Newcomen invented the first Steam Engine

    Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine, which was powered by coal and used to pump water out of the coal mines.
  • John Kay invented the The Flying Suttle

    John Kay invented the flying shuttle which was used to increase the output of weavers in the textile industry.
  • James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny

    The spinning jenny was created to solve the problem with the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny spun many threads at once.
  • Jame Watt repaired the steam engine

    James Watt improved the steam engine by making it more powerful than Thomas Newcomens engine, He became know as "the father of the revolution"
  • Richard Arkwright invented the Waterframe

    Richard Arkwright invented water frame which could produce stronger threads for yarns. The first models were powered by waterwheels so the device was given the name water frame.
  • Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule was a macine invention used to spin cotton fibers, and it was worked in pairs by minders and the help of two boys.
  • Nicolas Leblanc invented Soda Ash

    Discovered how to manufacture soda or soda ash from common salt. Soda ash was a good invention because it was used to create a variety of products.
  • Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin was a machine invented to quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds. It allowed for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation.
  • Robert Fulton invented the Steam Boat

    The Steamboat was an invention that was a ship that was ran by the use of steam power which would drive propellers or paddlewheels,
  • George Stephenson invented the Steam Powered Locamotive

    Georges steam locomotive was an invention which was a railway locomotive that would produce pulling power through a steam engine,which was fueled by coal to produce steam in a boiler, that inturn drove the steam engine.