Jethro Tull
Seed Drill: He invented a horse drawn seed drill that sowed the seeds into neat rows. -
Abraham Darby
Coalbrookdale Furnace: developed a meathod of producing pig iron in a blasting furnace fulled with coke and not charcol. -
Thomas Newcomen
Newcomen atmospheric engine: the first practical steam engine for pumping water. -
John Kay
Flying Shuttle: The first "Spinning Frame". -
John Roebuck
Chemisist: Manufactured Sulfuric Acid and Iron -
Edmund Cartwright
Power loom: used to manufacture fabrics quicker than man can. -
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin- could produce cotton faster than people. -
Alessandro Volta
Voltiac Pile: the first eletrical battery.
Discovered Methane -
David Richardo
The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes: A publication made on the use of metallic currency. -
Goerge Stephenson
first inter- city railway: for steam locomotives, a railway in the city. -
Karl Marx
philosophy known as "dialectical materialism", manuscripts: communism was th ultimate form of society. -
Cyrus Field
Library Globe: the telegraph may be able to span the atlantic ocean.