Industrial Revolution Inventors and Inventions

  • Thomas Newcomen

    Thomas Newcomen
    Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam powered engine in 1712. This engine, also known as the atmospheric engine, was the

    pinnacle of his inventions, as he was an blacksmith.
  • John Roebuck

    John Roebuck
    John Roebuck was an American inventor in the late 18th century. He is credited for initializing the high scale production of sulfuric acid.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith was not an inventor, but a Scottish philosopher from 18th century England. He revolutionized the economy of England during the Industrial Revolution and formally started it.
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    James Hargreaves was an inventor and painter from 1700's England. He is one of the three inventors known for mechanising spinning. He is credited for inventing the water frame and the spinning jenny, which made power easily accessible.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    Richard Arkwright was a leading inventor and entrepreneur or England during the Industrial Revolution. He is credited for inventing the water frame as well as the spinning frame, alongside with James Hargreaves.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    Samuel Crompton is the last of the three inventors of the spinning jenny and the water frame. He had combined the two to create an invention that he dubbed the spinning mule. The spinning mule had made it much easier to separate fibers from each other whilst harvesting cotton.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt was a Scottish inventor in the 18th century that is credited for improving the Newcomen steam engine to produce the Watt steam engine. The Watt steam engine was more powerful and took up less space than the Newcomen steam engine.
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort
    Henry Cort was an English ironmaster who had a role in the Industrial Revolution for creating the idea of refining iron from pig iron to wrought iron using innovative production systems for the time. This was known as the pudding process.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Edmund Cartwright
    Edmund Cartwright was an English inventor who was credited for inventing the power loom soon after he graduates from Oxford. The power loom had revolutionized the way that clothing and synthetic fibers were made.
  • Nicolas LeBlanc

    Nicolas LeBlanc
    Nicolas LeBlanc was a French chemist who had discovered a way to create soda ash from common salts. He was credited for his invention in 1791.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney was an American inventor best known for inventing the cotton gin. The cotton gin revolutionized the way that cotton was harvested because it made it very easy to separate the seeds of the cotton from the fibers themselves.
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    Elias Howe was an American inventor credited for creating the updated sewing machine for the time. This revolutionized how clothes and blankets were made as it took much less time, and was more effective. He patented his idea, making it the first patented sewing product.