Industrial Revolution Inventors

  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. He was trained in the bar but then took over his father's farm. The first seed drill was with a horse which put seeds in nice neat rows. The Tull bought his own farm in 1709. Next while traveling through France and Italy his method of planting seeds was being used.
  • John Kay

    John Kay
    He invented the flying shuttle. The flying shuttle was a key invention for automatic weaving. In previous looms had the flying shuttle passed or thrown through the warps threads by hand. Wide fabrics needed two people sitting side by side. He mounted his shuttle on wheels in a track and used petals. They shot from the shuttle side by side. It would do this when the weaver jerked the cord. With using the flying shuttle one person can weave faster than two people can.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    His steam engine helped with the industrial revolution. He was impressed by how much steam it used.
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort
    He invented what they call the puddling process. They were grooved rollers that were capable of making iron bars.
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny. Speeded up the making of cotton.
  • Adam Smith

    He wrote books. He was a german Philosopher.
  • John Wesley

    John Wesley
    John Wesley created celluloid. Celluloid is artificial plastic. He was looking for a substitute for ivory for making billiard balls. Wesley combined nitrocellulose (extremely flammable material), camphor (waxy transparent flammable material), and alcohol. They are all heated and pressured then the mixture is a pliable plastic material. With celluloid someone needs a special machine for working the celluloid. The first use of this material was denture plates.