Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. This invention sowed seeds in uniform rows and covered up the seed in the rows. He Wanted this to be the start of applying science to farming. This invention made it easier on farmers and less work for them. -
Abrahman Darby
He invented coke smelting which advanced the production of brass and iron goods. -
Thomas Newcomen
Created the first modern steam engine. It used water and steam to power machinery. This eas a big step in the industrial revolution and led to many greater things. -
John Kay
John kay invented the flying shuttle. This enabled weaves to weave faster. His home was attcked by workers that belived his invention was taking their jobs away. -
Richard Arkwright
Arkwright invented the spinning jenny whihc made stronger threads for yearn. -
James Watt
James watt improved on the steam engine that later made it a valueable part of the industrial revolution. The steam engine used the energy of steam to move machinery. This lead to major forms of transportation increasing -
Samuel Crompton
Crompton invented the spinny mule. This was a combination of the spinny jenny and water frame. This invention gave the spinner alot more control over the weaving process. -
Henry Cort
Henry cort invented the puddling system which was a process that stirred pig iron in a furnace and the action of the air moving around made a loop of pure metal. This caused the iron production to quadruple. -
Edmund Cartwright
Edmund created the first power loom in a factory in Doncaster. A power loom is a steam powered version of a regular loom. -
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which seperated cotton fibers from the seeds. This made the cotton industry of the south explode. -
Alessandro Volta
Volta produced many things but what he is known for is the first battery and the first method for generating electrcity. -
Elias Howe
Howe invented the first american-patented sewing machine. This made 250 stitches per minute. Between 1854 and 1867 howe got almost 2 million dollars from his invention