The steam engine was invented
James watt the Steam Engine in 1698. This invention was a very big transportation tool for things and people. An advantage of it was that it could be located anywhere because water is heated in a separate boiler to produce steam. A disadvantage of it was that the engine was so big that it could not fit in small vehicles like buses and cars. Today we use gas powered engines for boats and vehicles. -
The Flying shuttle was invented
John Kay invented the Flaying Shuttle In 1733. This invention was really good when it came to weaving. A benefit of it was that it allowed for a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics. A disadvantage was that a lot of people lost their jobs. Today we use big machinery to mass produce weaved clothing. -
The Spinning Jenny Was Invented
James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764. This invention made cotton spinning so much easier. A benefit to it was that people could now put these in factories and mass produce cotton. A disadvantage of it was that child labor started. today we use powered machinery to mass produce cotton clothing. -
The Spinning Frame was invented
Richard Arkwright invented the spinning frame in 1768. This changed everything from people powered to water powered. A benefit to this was that people didn't have to power the machines anymore. A disadvantage was that people lost their jobs. Today we use big machinery to mass produce cotton. -
The spinning mule was invented
Samuel Compton invented the spinning mule in 1779. this invention made yarn producing so much faster. A benefit to it was that people could now mass produce yarn. a disadvantage was that people lost their jobs. we now use big machinery to mass produce yarn. -
The Steam Boat was invented
Robert Fulton Invented the steam boat in 1787. This invention revolutionized life on sea. A benefit to this was that people could now transport things and people without any problems. A disadvantage was that their would commonly be explosions from the engine and people got killed. Today we have gas powered boat engines that are small and compact depending on the boat. -
The steam locomotive was invented
George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick invented the steam locomotive in 1804. this invention revolutionized the world of transportation. Their were a lot of benefits to this invention like transportation was really easy and fast. A disadvantage was that their explosions happening in the engine and would cause casualties. today we use desal electric engines in trains -
The new way for making steel
Henry Bessemer invented a new way for making steel in 1856. this made steel way faster to make. A benefit to this was that it was way cheaper to make. A disadvantage was that people could now purchase steel more often and they had to make more of it.Today we make steel by namely basic oxygen steel making which has liquid pig-iron from blast furnises -
The pasteurization method
Louis Pasture invented Pasteurization in 1864. This invention made healthy a new word. A benefit of this was that killing bacteria was really easy and could now be done in households. A disadvantage of it was that doctors would have less pay because their were not many patients. Today we use things like bacteria cream to kill bacteria -
The invention of the electric light
Thomas Edison invented the Electric light in 1879. This invention made seeing at night so much better. A benefit to this invention if that house fire percentage went down because people were no longer using candles to light their house. A disadvantage was that people would have to pay for electricity. Today we use LED light that last up to 20 years! -
The invention of the Tesla Coil
Nicola Tesla invented the Tesla coil in 1891. this invention made magnetic fields. A benefit to this invention was that scientists could not study electromagnetic fields up close. A disadvantage of this invention was that some people got hurt while studying. Today we we still use Tesla's but we are much more aware and we take safety percotions.