Seed Drill
Jethro Tull Invented the seed drill in 1701. The seed drill economically sowed seeds into neat rows. Jethro's method was adopted by many landowers during the Industrial Revolution! -
Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen an english inventor created the first working practical steam engine in 1712; which had many uses throughout the Industrial Revolution. -
Flying Shuttle
John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle in 1733. This invention accelerated weaving! Only one operator was required per machine. -
Spinning Jenn
James Hagreaves invented the Spinning Jenn in 1764. The Spinning jenny is a multi spindle spinning frame. -
Spinning Frame
Richard Arkwright invented the Spinning Frame in 1769. The Spinning Frame is a machine that produces a strong twist of yarn for a inexpensive price. -
Steam Engine
James Watt invented the steam engine in 1775. This invention gave a more natural power source for the Industrial Revolution. -
Puddling Process
Henry Cort invented a way to refine iron using a product system called the "Puddling Process" which was used for refining iron ore. -
Power Lume
Edmund Cartwright invented the Power Lume in 1784. This lume worked the most efficient. -
Soda Ash
Nicolas Leblanc a French chemist discovered that soda ash could be transformed from salt. -
Cotton Jin
Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin in 1794. This invention shaped the economy in the south. A cotton gin is a device used to separate the seed from the cotton. -
Steam Locomotives
Geroge Stephenson invented the first steam locomotives. He is also now know as the "Father of the railways". -
Utopian Socialism
Robert Owen proposed the first ever utopian society. His idea was for people to be equal as well as property to be equal amung all social classes.