Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution - Hartless, Veronica period 2

  • Jethro Tull invented the seed drill

    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill
  • Thomas Newcomen developed a steam engine

    Thomas Newcomen developed a steam engine
    It pumped water out of mines
  • John Kay invented the flying shuttle

    John Kay invented the flying shuttle
  • Bridgewater canal opened

  • James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny

    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny
  • James Watt improved the steam engine to be more efficent

    James Watt improved the steam engine to be more efficent
  • Richard Arkwright invented the water frame

    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame
  • Eli Witney invented the cotton gin

    Eli Witney invented the cotton gin
  • Owen begins social reforms at New Lanark

  • Fulton develops the first steamboat the Clermont

    Fulton develops the first steamboat the Clermont
  • Industrial riots start to break out around England

    Industrial riots start to break out around England
  • Period: to

    Industrial riots occured in England

  • The world's first rail line opened in England running from Liverpool to Manchester

  • The Factoy Act of 1833

  • The Ten Hours Act of 1847

  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published "The Communist Manifeso"

  • Rail roads crisscrossed Britain, Europe, and America