Industrial Revolution Final Project

  • steam engine was evented

    steam engine was evented
    the steam engine was evented to pump water from coal mines
  • spinning mule

     spinning mule
    the spinning mule made it easier to produce cotton yarn and thread.
  • crude power loom

    crude power loom
    Edmund Cartwright invents a crude power loom for weaving process.
  • William Murdock (James Watt's assistant) lights his home with coal gas.

    William Murdock (James Watt's assistant) lights his home with coal gas.
  • Thomas Telford builds his two great iron aqueducts, over the Dee and the Cierog valleys.

    Thomas Telford builds his two great iron aqueducts, over the Dee and the Cierog valleys.
    thomas telford was know for his building of canals,roads and bridges
  • Fox Talbot introduces photographic paper.

    William discovered how to make and fix images through the action of light and chemistry on paper.
  • The impact of industrialisation and creation of cities leads to a cholera epidemic across towns in Britain.

    The impact of industrialisation and creation of cities leads to a cholera epidemic across towns in Britain.
  • New law prohibited boys from climbing chimneys to clean them.

    New law prohibited boys from climbing chimneys to clean them.
    New law prohibited boys from climbing chimneys to clean them.
  • Bell invents the telephone.

    Bell invents the telephone.
    Alexander invented the telephone in 1876
  • World War One changes the industrial heartlands, with foreign markets setting up their own manufacturing industries. The golden age of British industry has come to an end.

     World War One changes the industrial heartlands, with foreign markets setting up their own manufacturing industries. The golden age of British industry has come to an end.