Jethro Tull
In 1701 Jethro Tull got tired of having to manually plant every seed on his fathers farm, so he invented a drill with a rotating cylinder to do the work for him. Grooves were placed in the cylinder to allow seeds to pass through to be planted. -
Abraham Darby
An Englishman who invented coke smelting. This in turn advanced the production of mass and iron goods. Coke smelting also replaced charcoal with coal, which was important considering charcoal was becoming limited at the time. -
Thomas Newcomen
Thomas Newcomen was an English inventor who when he saw how the mines that were dug up were constanty being flooded he set out to find a way to pump water out.This led to him being the first tocreate the first practical steam engine to pump water. -
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was not import to the industrial revolution like you may think. He believed the industrial revoulution was unfair to the workers and took away their independence and their pride in their work. This was the man who came up with the idea of Marxism, socialism, or communism. -
John Kay
Another key contribuor of the industrial revolution. In 1733 he invented the flying huttle. He is ofthen confused for his name sake that invented the first "spinning frame." -
John Roebuck
Not only did Roebuck invent sulfuric acid to replace sour milk, but in 1760 he had a great deal of money invested in the iron making trade. Later he became associated with Watt. -
James Watt
Scottish inventor and enginer who played a major role in the industrial revolution. He was given a modle of Newcomen's steam engine to fix, but then he ended up improving the design drastically. -
Edmund Cartwright
A graduate from Oxford university who visited Arkwright's cotton-spinning mills and had an idea. His idea was to construct a similar machine used for weaving. This is how the first power loom came to be. -
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney was one of the main influences of the industrial revolution. He patented the cotton gin and the interchangable parts. -
Alessandro Volta
Volta was a physicist, chemist, and inventor in electrical science. He invented the first electric battery which helped scientists produce flows of steady current for the first time. He also made many other scientific discoveries. -
George Stephenson
Stephenson was an English civil enginer and mechanical enginer. He had many condributions to the industrial revolution including the first locomotive for hauling coal. -
Cyrus Field
Cyrus Field was an American buissnessman who went along with a group of entrepreneurs to lay a telegraphic cable across the Atlanic Ocean. After several failed attempts Field set out for Queen Victoria to send the first message. The cable ended up breaking three weeks later and did not get completed until 1866.