Powerloom weaving in 1835

Industrial Revolution

  • 1700

    More farms were being established in England's landscapes, and many landowners started buying these lands when they were finished. By this, the farming methods started improving.
  • 1700

    Robert Bakewell started breeding only his best sheep and increased his production of sheep meat. By this, many farmers started doing the same and the food supplies increased.
  • 1701

    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. This invention would sow the seeds at specifics and well calculated spaces so that the seeds would grow efficiently.
  • 1733

    John Kay invented the flying shuttle, a machine that would step back and forth on wheels and that would speed the work by double a weaver would the in a day
  • 1764

    James Hargreaves the spinning wheel Jenny, that permitted the spinning wheel to work eight threats a time.
  • 1765

    James Watt invented a way to make the steam engine to work harder burning less fuel.
  • 1769

    Richard Arkwright created the water frame that used waterpower from the currents to make the spinning wheel work.
  • 1774

    James Watt joined Matthew Boulton, an entrepreneur, that would pay Watt to improve his engines
  • 1779

    Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule that made the threads more stronger, finer and consistent.
  • 1787

    Edmund Catwrigh’s created the power loom that was runned by waterpower and sped up the weaving process.
  • 1793

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a machine that could multiply the cleaning of cotton.
  • 1800

    John McAdam added a layer of large stones and then a layer of crushed stones under the roads (the macadam roads), so in rainy weather the wagons wouldn't sink in the mud.
  • The steamboat “Clermont” made its first successful trip, this made by Robert Fulton.

    The steamboat “Clermont” made its first successful trip, this made by Robert Fulton.
  • The cotton production was increased massively to 85 million pounds

    The cotton production was increased massively to 85 million pounds
  • 1820

    The railroads locomotive drove the english industry
  • 1821

    George Stephenson started working on the first railroad line
  • 1825

    The railroads of Stephenson opened.
  • 1829

    The trials to choose the best locomotive for the new line began, and Stephenson “Rocket” won.
  • 1830

    The Liverpool-Manchester Railway opened.
  • 1831

    Cyrus McCormick’s created a reaper that would increase the production of wheat in America.
  • 1837

    Samuel F.B. Morse, first person to send electrical signals over a telegraph
  • 1851

    I. M. Singer invented the foot treadle, which would improve the sewing machine.
  • 1876

    Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone