Charles Townshend: Viscount
Rotated crops and planted different crop each year -
Thomas Savery: Paddle Wheels, Steam Engine, Pump Engine
Propelled vessels in calm weathermade running engines more efficient extracted water from mines where miners could not reach -
Jethro Tull: Seed Drill
Dug a channel which planted seeds into and linited wastage and crops easier to weed -
Thomas Newcomen: Newcomen Engine
Converted the heat engery from the steam engine into mechanical -
John Kay: Flying Shuttle
Allowed weavers to produce wider pieces of cloth faster -
James Watt: Steam Engine Improvements
Converted the heat engery from steam engine into mechanical -
James Hargreaves: Spinning Jenny
Allowed spinners to produce more yarn -
Richard Arkwright: Spinning Frame
Helped to reduce spices and sugars and to produce thicker, more precise yarn and was powered by a waterwheel -
Samual Crompton: Spinning Mule
Produced strong soft yarn that could be used in all taxtiles -
Abraham Darby: Bristol Iron Co.
First sucessful smelt iron ore with coke and built much larger furnaces -
Henry Cort: Puddling Furnace & Rolling Mill
Refined oreallowed shapes to be made out of iron -
Edmund cartwright:Imprefect Power Loom, Wool, Combing machine, and Steam Poward loom
Converted looms into water-power to make more efficient built a design to make a steam powered loom produced wool more efficiently and lightened workload for factory workers. -
Eli Whitney: Cotton Gin
Extracted seeds from cotton and made cotton a valuable industry in the South -
George Stephenson: Blucher
Engine that could pull thirty tons at four miles per hour and helped in the building of the first railways -
Henry Bessemer: Bessemer Process & Bessemer Converter
Removed excess oxygen from inonreceives charge of molten metal which can then be "blown" into shape