First Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine. -
The Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenney, which allowed one worker to spin eight spindles. -
Improved Steam Engine
James Watt patents an improved steam engine. -
First Textile Mill
The Industrial Revolution spreads to the United States when Samuel Slater opens the first textile mill in Rhode Island. -
The Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. -
The First Successful Steamboat
Robert Fulton starts the first successful steamboat operation with the "Clermont." -
The Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad is completed. -
The Great Railroad Strike
The Great Railroad Strike occurs when railroad companies reduce wages. -
Coal in West Virginia
Coal in West Virginia began increasing popularity and production in the 1880s. -
The First Labor Union
The American Federation of Labor is formed. -
Key Export in West Virginia
Coal became West Virginia's key export in the 1890s because of railroad expansion, higher quality coal, and larger coal companies. -
End of the American Industrial Revolution
The end of the American Industrial Revolution occurs when WWII begins.