Money in Britain was hard because once they started to build machines it was hard to survive. -
The ships to new Holland where a good size.what I mean is that it was a ok ship.There was over 1,000 ships. -
Wool industry
The key to the prosperity of Nsw was the wool industry. -
The whaling industry provided some revenue. -
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Industrial revolution
The civil war is to do with America.It is a war in America and it was one of the biggest war. -
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The convicts
The convicts where on a ship sitting down tight. They where going to new Holland. New holland was a island captain Auther Phillip. -
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The machines
The machines won't making the country better it was making it worse because they people couldn't a ford to buy they had to steal. -
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Captain Arther Phillip
Captain Arther Phillip was the governor I think for Britain. He sended all the convicts to new Holland because they had no more room for convicts in Britain -
While transport and communication developments in the 1800s -
The site of the first Europepean settlement on Australia's east coast. -
The Docklands of Sydney was a main point of the settlement.Hobart was a commercial shipping deppo for the early maritime industries. -
The land
Van diemens land(now known as Tasmania). -
Australia after Eastablishing the colony of Western Australia in 1829. -
Colonial borders
By 1863 the colonial borders had been finalised. -
Nsw encompassed most of west,with Western Australia. -
In 1851 the discovery of the gold at Bathurst added further source. -
Gold rush
The gold rush was responsible for a massive increase in wealth. -
American civil war
The civil war is to do with America.It is a war in America and it was one of the biggest war.This war was to do with the British government. -
The colonies
The six colonies in Australia