Spinning room in shadwell rope works

Industrial Revolution

By truxm
  • Make coke from coal

    Make coke from coal
    In the year 1709 Abraham Darby found a way to create coke from coal.
  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay created the first ever flying shuttle that speed up the process of hand weaving.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves created the Spinning Jenny (cotton spinner) which made eight times more yarn then a average cotton spinner at that time, which only could use one thread of yarn.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    in 1775 James Watt improved the steam engine created by Thomas Newcomb.
  • Luddite

    In the year 1811 when machines became more used in factory's/ workplaces groups of workers would smash those machines due to the thought that machines would take over there jobs. They were called Luddites.